sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007

A Deep Dive

Since yesterday that I feel extremely sensible. I was just sitting there watching tv nothing interessing, zapping and zapping, there was this film about Lady Mary of Fátima and I just felt a kind of a call, you know. I was feeling like a baby, each scene of the film I would cry. I went to my room and prayed until I felt asleep. I delivered my heart to the MOTHER. Something is changing in me, a deep dive into the heart of me, let it be light. I'm sure that the world is changing too. So many hearts devoted to MARY on the 13th of October. One could feel the love and the light. We are going throught a process of purification and of love. Today I know that nothing will ever be the same as before. I'm grateful for everything in my life. Hail Mary full of grace, loving mother of all, be always in our lifes.

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